Our Returns and Refund Policy Is As Follows:

  • All sellers have their own refund policy but Netdeals’s returns and refunds policy is as follows 
  • if the product is faulty you will receive a replacement or refund for the product 
  • If the product is damaged in transit you will be entitled to a new unit or a refund for the purchase
  • Batteries have separate refund/return policies which are available on the listing to be viewed before purchased
  • Guns and Optics have manufacturer warranties and should the gun have a manufacturing fault within 12 months of the purchase date we will send it to the supplier to either repair or replace it as fast as possible 

Buyers Remorse/Returns on products no longer wanted by the buyer

  • If a buyer wants to return a product that they have already been shipped due to no longer needing or wanting it, it will need to be in the same condition as it was when shipped to them and should still be sealed and unopened if the product was brand new. This may incur a handling fee and the buyer may be held liable for the shipping costs if it was not due to an error on our end
  • Should you want to return a product due to no longer wanting it we will assist in a resolution which can either be a full refund if it has not been sent to you yet or a handling fee can be charged depending on the case and whether it was already shipped or not.