Why Sell On Netdeals?

-No setup fees or monthly fees, it is free to start selling with us!! Start your business with no costs and only pay for what you sell therefore having no risk of monthly costs to sell

-Easy signup process, Just register and choose your custom shop name and start listing your products 

-Payouts procecced daily!! You dont need to wait weeks or months for your money to be sent to you this way you will have better control of your cashflow and always able to buy more inventory without needing to wait for your money 

-Get Exposed to a large audience helping your products to get seen by hundreds of thousands of people and boosting your sales without the need to pay for advertising!!

– Low success fees on your sales which makes our platform cheaper than selling on any other platform and saving you on the tens of thousands of rands which would be spent on developing your own selling channel. Success fees are a set 6,2% on all listings compared to other sales channels which charge upto 20% on your sales 

-Freedom of time: Have the opportunity to sell from home and ship products yourself or to have us handle all orders for you and have them shipped to your client from our warehouse and handle all of the distribution (You will still get paid for your products which are sold as per usual if we handle your orders for you) 

What We Offer :

Shipping Options:

We have 2 options sellers when it comes to shipping :

Vendor Fulfilment: 

You handle all of your orders yourself and ship them to the buyers with a courier of your choice (If you require any help or training with this we are more than happy to assist)

Netdeals Fulfilment And Warehousing:

You store your products at our warehouse and we handle all the Fulfilment of orders ,tracking information for shipments, Customer support queries , Courier disputes and delays/hassles should there be any shipment issues with couriers, we also provide this option if you sell directly to your clients or clients on other platforms we will fulfill the orders for you to save you time and money with no extra admin to you, Your paouts will work the same and you will be paid as soon as the order is put through

Should you wish to have your products returned to you from our warehouse if stored with us we will have it shipped back to you as soon as you request it with no admin cost 

Customer Payment options:

– We offer the customers multiple payment methods and you will not need to do any setup for the payment gateways or have any additional costs for payment gateways. Our success fees are all inclusive and do not have any extra cost to you for payments recieved 

– Vendors will have access to all of our payment methods at no additional cost giving their clients multiple options to pay with which gives them a competitive advantage over selling on their own platform as they will not have the monthly fees associated with payment gateways fees and chargebacks which they would have on their own website 

Seller payouts:

– Sellers will be paid out to their bank accounts whenever they request payout, payouts are processed daily if requested before 9am they will receive their payment either the same day or the next business day depending on what bank they bank with. 

– Payouts will be free of charge if the payout amount is over R3,000 and if under they will be charged a set fee of R5 

What Does It Cost To Sell On Netdeals? 

  • Success fees on successful sales:

-We Have a set success fee of 6,2% on all successful sales (You only get charged when an item is sold and paid for, there are no monthly fees or setup fees) 

-There are NO monthly fees charged for having a seller account on our platform so there is no risk to you

  • Shipping costs

– If you wish to manage your orders yourself and do all shipping yourself you will set your own shipping fees that are charged to the buyer directly and we will not charge you anything on your chosen shipping methods

– If we manage all orders and shipments for you you will be charged a order fulfilment fee of R20 per items for orders which weigh less than 15kg. For Items which weight more 16kg or more you will be charged R50 fulfilment fee. 

  • Optional Enchancements:

– Should you choose to feature your products on a featured page such as the hot promotions page , home page or to display it higher up in search results then a small fee will be charged for this depending on where you would like it listed ,this featured product fee is stipulated when listing your product and is optional


Seller Relationships:

– We value our sellers and understand that they are the most important element to all marketplaces, We therefore build relationships with all of our sellers where you can contact us any time of the day for assistance or advice ,if you need urgent assistance the owners details will be shared with you 

– should you go on holiday or need a break from selling you are able to put your selling account on vacation mode where no orders will be placed on your account so that you have time to take a break or time away from selling. Additionally if you are unable to fulfill orders or manage your orders we are happy to assist and take care of all customer queries ,distribution and warehousing of your products therefore taking away the need for any admin and we will manage everything for you and you will still recieve your payouts as per usual.

-You dont pay any fees on your first R1000 of sales which is our way of helping you start up 

– Receive priority support on all requests 

– We offer assitance with buyer queries 

– Get help with promotions/product listings and how to start selling

– Free training on how to use our platform should you require it